Teaching Abroad and the Cost of Living
by Sharon De Hinojosa
When considering job offers, you'll have to remember that salary isn't the only thing to consider when accepting a job. There are other benefits that you should take into consideration, such as the ones listed below. If you take these into consideration, they add value to your base salary:
- Medical Insurance
- Housing or housing allowance
- Flights
Think about your goals as well. There are many different reasons to accept a job in a different country:-
- New challenges
- Money
- Giving back to the community
- Relationships
- Research
- Interesting country
Travelling is also a key factor that comes into play for many teachers. Vacation time and distance away to other cities are just as important as the items above. If you are deciding between two jobs and one offers 2 weeks paid vacation and the other 6 weeks paid vacation, then you should definitely take the latter. Besides benefits, there are other factors that should be considered.
Cost of living for one. Simply put, some countries are more expensive than others. So for example, while you may make more in one country, you will also spend more as things are more expensive, and in turn have less to save. While in another country, you'll make less, spend less and have more to save. Don't forget about any financial obligations that have to be met back home. Make sure that you have enough money to pay for all these things on the salary that you will be receiving.
About the Author: Sharon de Hinojosa has lived and worked (mainly teaching English) in the US, Scotland, Spain, the Czech Republic, China, Korea, and Peru. As well as teaching short-term in Venezuela and Taiwan. She has created The LA Job List http://www.thelajoblist.blogspot.com which lists schools, institutes and universities in 19 Latin American countries which offer English teaching positions. Since living in Peru since August 2006, she wrote The Ultimate Peru List http://www.theultimateperulist.blogspot.com. With 60 pages it's a comprehensive guide for those living in or moving to Peru.
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