Dictation - Xmas
Normal - Listen
Slow - Write
Play the .mp3 files*(They are large, so be patient.)
1. Just listen. I will speak, quite quickly, in a natural voice.
2. Listen and write I will speak more slowly.
3. Listen to the first file again - Check and make any corrections you think necessary.
4. Check what you have written.
Dictation Text - Xmas
It's (It is) certainly nice to see lots of presents under the tree on Christmas morning, but it does seem extremely wasteful. Many presents end up being unwanted.
Here are some interesting ideas for getting rid of those unwanted gifts:
Give one away whenever you need to give a gift to someone, e.g. when the gift doesn't have to be very personal. Remember to make a note stating who gave the item to you in the first place so that you don't make the mistake of giving it back to them.
Give unwanted presents to a local charity store, the charity will be happy to have them.
Hold a 'bad gift swap' party the week after Christmas with all your friends...each person brings the gift they hated the most and everyone swaps.
Visit an old people's home or children's home. Bag up the presents and bring a bit of happiness to someone else.
If none of the above suggestions appeal to you why not auction any unwanted items on EBay!
Check for
punctuation - , . ' ! etc...
Each mistake = 1.
Do not count the same mistake twice.
If you get 5 or more mistakes do the dictation again.
Give us feedback, suggestions, or just let us know how you get on here.
Problems with punctuation - check here.
Problems with spelling - check here.
*If you are unable to see/use the audio players, try updating your browser or use the Windows Media Player (requires a download from Microsoft).