English Listening Practice

English Homophones

Work out which sentences are correct. Then click on the "Check Here!" button.

If you want the definition of any of the words below just double click on the word. To listen to the pronunciation click on the sound symbol.

Homophone # 64

cite                sight                site               

  1. She was completely blind now, but she had lost her site over time.
  2. The place looked like a building site.
  3. When writing your thesis it's very important to site all your references.
  4. She was completely blind now, but she had lost her sight over time.
  5. The place looked like a building sight.
  6. When writing your thesis it's very important to sight all your references.
  7. She was completely blind now, but she had lost her cite over time.
  8. The place looked like a building cite.
  9. When writing your thesis it's very important to cite all your references.

In memory of Rita


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