English Listening Practice
English Homophones
Work out which sentences are correct. Then click on the "Check Here!" button.
If you want the definition of any of the words below just double click on the word.
To listen to the pronunciation click on the sound symbol.
Homophone # 135
weal we'll wheel 
- There was a bad weal on his back where he had been hit.
- We'll be waiting for you here.
- The we'll dropped off the cart.
- Weal be waiting for you here.
- There was a bad we'll on his back where he had been hit.
- The weal dropped off the cart.
- The wheel dropped off the cart.
- There was a bad wheel on his back where he had been hit.
- Wheel be waiting for you here.
!Note - In some areas and dialects "wh" is still pronounced "hw".
Thanks to Dar