English dictation

Dictation - August

Hints - Augustus | Julius Caesar


Play the .mp3 files (they are large so be patient).

1. Just listen. I will speak, quite quickly, in a natural voice.

2. Listen and write I will speak more slowly.

3. Listen to the first file again - Check and make any corrections you think necessary.

4. Check what you have written.














Dictation Text - August

  1. August was named after the Roman Emperor Augustus.
  2. It has 31 days because Augustus wanted as many days as July, which was named after Julius Caesar.
  3. In a leap year August begins on the same day of the week as February.
  4. In the UK there is a bank holiday on the last Monday in August.
  5. Traditionally many businesses close on bank holidays.

Check for

punctuation - , . ' ! etc...

Each mistake = 1.
Do not count the same mistake twice.
If you get 5 or more mistakes do the dictation again.

Give us feedback, suggestions, or just let us know how you get on here.
Problems with punctuation - check here.
Problems with spelling - check here.

Thanks to Alexanderq for the correction.