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Volcano Crossword
English Crossword
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1. A volcano that might erupt at any time. 3. A volcano that is not now active. 6. The round hole at the top of a volcano. 7. Someone who studies volcanoes. 10. Large pieces of dry solid Earth. 11. Something that is not active, but which has the ability to be active at a later time. 12. The typical shape of a volcano. 13. A type of black rock that comes from volcanoes. 16. A small opening which allows air, smoke or gas to enter or leave a closed space.
2. A mountain with a large circular hole at the top through which lava pours out. 3. An explosion from a volcano. 4. Hot liquid rock found just below the surface of the Earth. 5. A hole in the ground that hot water and steam comes out of. 8. Small pieces of partly burnt coal or wood. 9. Dry dirt in the form of powder. 14. The soft grey or black powder that is left after a substance has burnt. 15. Hot liquid rock which comes out of the Earth through a volcano.
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