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1. A group of flowers that have been fastened together and attractively arranged. 5. A rectangular piece of stiff paper, folded in half, with a picture on the front and often a message printed inside, sent on a special occasion. 6. Pleasant-smelling flowers with thorns on the stems. 8. A very powerful feeling of attraction, love, or other emotion. 9. A social meeting planned in advance between two people who are or might become romantic partners. 10. To have strong feelings of affection for another adult. 11. The second month of the year. 14. Small sweets made from cacao seeds and sold in a box. 15. The close female friend of a man, with whom he has a relationship. 16. Shapes that represent love.
1. The close female friend of a woman, with whom she has a relationship. 2. Someone you love or would like to have a romantic relationship with. 3. An offer of marriage. 4. A relationship between a woman and a man in which they live as husband and wife. 5. The light that a candle produces when it is burning. 7. The date in February of Valentine's Day. 12. Relating to love or a close loving relationship. 13. The parts of a plant that are often brightly coloured with a pleasant smell.
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