Riddle Me Ree - Game 2
Click on the play button and listen to the clue. Work out what the letter is and type it in the box.
Now listen to the clue, and work out what the word is from the letters you entered.
Assessment Completed!!!
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The clue was: My first is in curator but not in countable.
Well Done!
The clue was: My second is in abject but not in object.
The clue was: My third is in deliver but not in livewire.
The clue was: My fourth is in formation but not in unformulated.
The clue was: My fifth is in obnoxious but not in brainboxes.
The clue was: My sixth is in wrestling but not in towering.
Try again.
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Correct Answer
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Assessment Result:
After collecting all the letters you will be asked for the final word and a Submit button will appear. Click Submit to check your results.