Personal Pronoun - Subject | I |
you |
he/she/it |
we |
they |
Personal Pronoun - Object | me |
you |
him/her/it |
us |
them |
The personal pronoun is used to refer to someone or something already mentioned (he, she, it etc.), to refer to the person speaking (I, me etc.), or to the person listening (you).
First Person Pronoun | ||
singular | ||
plural | ||
Second Person Pronoun | ||
singular | ||
plural | ||
Third Person Pronoun | ||
singular | ||
plural | ||
I, me, he, she, him, her, you = a person you, we, us = people it = thing they, them = things or people |
Here are some simple examples:-
(Imagine where the book is.)
Hubby and I went shopping.
We bought a book.
We read it, and then I leant him the book.
He read the book, and then he leant the book to her.
She read it, but they stole the book from her.
The police arrested them.
They returned the book to us.
We leant the book to you.
You read it.
When you are writing in English "I" (first person singular) is always capitalised.