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Sports Crossword
The Olympics Crossword
Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number. Complete the crossword by entering your answer letter by letter. Click on "Check" to check your answer. Click on "Hint" to get a free letter. This is a tough one, so you have 10 minutes to complete it. Good luck.
1. You have to jump these in life too. 3. You need an oar for this. 4. Do take 'one'! You'll be a winner at this martial arts sport! 5. Don't throw this into the crowd, you might spear someone! 8. Would you get vertigo doing this watery sport? 9. Tigger would love this! (Often found in British gardens.) 10. Another word for a smile; but maybe a narrow one? 11. Five events and a gold medal could be yours! 12. Team or Individual; rhythmic or artisitc; - it's still hard work. 16. A part of the saddle and another name for a horse. 17. The wheels go round; but not on the bus!
1. You could be for this if you do a bad job. 2. Do like doing this with the fishies! 3. You could put these on your finger. 6. Like football but a different part of the body. 7. Aiming for gold? 10. If you float like one, you won't sink when you swim. 13. Bullseye will mean gold. 14. It's hot put it down! (Anagram) 15. Played with sticks, this sport can be painful on the shins!
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