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Negative Feelings Crossword
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number. All the words came from members of the forum.
2. The feeling you get when something is not what you were hoping it would be. 4. The feeling you get when you are willing to take any risk in order to do something. 5. Someone who is often very unhappy. 6. A feeling of extreme unhappiness. 7. The feeling you get when you feel ashamed. 11. The feeling you get when you're unhappy. 13. The feeling you get when you're angry and unhappy. 15. A strong feeling which makes you want to be unpleasant. 16. The feeling you get when you experience physical or mental pain. 17. The feeling you have when you're nervous and uncomfortable with other people. 20. Serious accidents or bad events. 21. The feeling you get when someone has something that you want. 22. A feeling of great sadness because someone has died. 24. The condition of being ill. 25. The act of taking your own life.
1. The feeling you get when you can't do anything to change a bad situation. 3. The feeling you get when you don't succeed at something. 8. A disease of the body or mind. 9. The feeling you get when someone or a group of people stop supporting and agreeing with you. 10. The feeling of great sadness or disappointment. 12. An uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry. 14. Drops of salty liquid which flow from the eye. 18. A feeling of great sadness or regret. 19. A feeling of needing to rest or sleep. 23. A feeling of physical suffering.
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