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May's Crossword
English Crossword
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3. A drama set to classical music. 6. The venue of an annual opera festival 7. A form of English folk dance (11 and 7 across). 8. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle invented this detective (1 and 4 across) 9. A race in Tetbury. 10. 5th written as a word. 11. A form of English folk dance (11 and 7 across). 12. The traditional birthstone for May. 14. A tall wooden pole erected to celebrate May Day.
1. The season May is in. 2. ---- in the Green is a participant in traditional English May Day parades. 4. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle invented this detective (1 and 4 across) 5. A political movement associated with May 1st. 9. Another name for Pentecost. 11. A holiday on or around May 1st. 13. The month of May was named after this goddess of spring.
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