Food Idiom Crossword

Idioms Crossword

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer.
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Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
  2    3     4            
      5    6           
7                  8   
          9   10        
        11     12        
    13    14             


4. ------ dressed like lamb.
6. Not my cup of ---.
7. As nutty as a ---------.
9. Like a fish out of -----.
12. A couch ------.
14. Like chalk and ------.
15. To have bigger ---- to fry.


1. Like ------ wouldn't melt.
2. As cool as a -------.
3. To be as keen as -------.
5. To give someone a knuckle --------.
8. To bring home the -----.
10. The ----- of someone's eye.
11. Another bite of the ------.
13. Don't cry over spilt ----.