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Eating Crossword
Learn English Crossword - Eating
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1. Crockery for hot drinks with a handle and used without a saucer. 5. Cutlery used for stirring sugar in a hot drink. 6. Plural form of 14 across. 7. What you do at mealtimes. 9. Protects furniture from messy eaters. 11. Past form of eat. 12. Somewhere to put your cup. 13. Crockery to put food on. 14. Cutlery used for cutting food.
2. Something to drink wine or water from. 3. Another word for napkin. 4. Crockery to put cereal or soup in. 8. Another word for tablemat. 10. Crockery to hold a favourite English drink. 12. Cutlery to eat liquids with. 15. Cutlery used for lifting food to the mouth.
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