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2. 13 and 2 across - The software that manages computer hardware and provides common services. 4. Processed, stored, or transmitted data. 7. To insert text, graphics, or other data into a document or file. 8. Visual information in the form of diagrams, graphs, pictures, and symbols. 9. What you do when you press CTRL+C 11. CTRL stands for ....... 13. 13 and 2 across - The software that manages computer hardware and provides common services. 15. 15 across and 9 down - Computer hardware device used for audio. 16. An input device, modeled on the typewriter. 18. Programs that determine how a computer will communicate with a device. 20. A sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute. 21. To remove, get rid of, erase. 22. The key used especially to interrupt a command.
1. Short form of Wireless Fidelity. 3. The display of the computer. 5. A general term for computers and other electronic equipment. 6. Sets of wires, covered by plastic, that carry electricity or electronic signals. 9. 15 across and 9 down - Computer hardware device used for audio. 10. A special area on a laptop or other computer that you can use to move the cursor. 12. A small device that you move across a surface in order to move a cursor. 14. Part of a computer where other pieces of equipment, such as a printer, can be connected. 17. A machine connected to a computer that creates a hard copy on paper. 19. A portable computer that you can carry around.
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